My Fitness Journey- 2 Years Of Commitment To Myself

Two years ago today I looked in the mirror and took these photos, whilst making a huge commitment to myself. Two years ago to this day, I vowed I would change my life; I was going to start exercising to become healthier. I wanted to make sure I did all I could to live a long, healthy life, be able to see my kids grow up, feel better about myself and but mostly so I could stop hating my body so much. I won’t lie, my main motivation at the beginning was to look better… but I didn’t realise how much of an impact it would have on every aspect of my life.


I wasn’t quite prepared for how incredible it would be and the amazing journey I would take. I had absolutely no idea how beautiful it would feel to finally get my confidence back and become more mindful about what I was putting into my body. I can now say, after a very quick 2 years, this was THE best thing I have ever done. I am living proof that by changing your mindset you can become happier and healthier. 


When I first started on this journey, I was so focused on the scales and loosing pounds that going into my 2nd year, I knew I would have to change my mindset; I needed to stop being a slave to the scales. Why do the scales give us such a hard time? Why do we allow them to have such a hold over us? Some days, they take away everything positive we feel about our progress, grow a pair of arms and punch us in our vaginas (or dicks if you’re a penis owner). 

I didn’t realise how much of an impact it would have on every aspect of my life.

Don’t get me wrong, at first the scales are important… you want to see that number going down so you know you’re going in the right direction, but once you lose a considerable amount of weight and you are sustaining, why do you feel the need to step onto them anymore? What exactly are you going to get out of it? Just because you don’t wear your apple watch by accident doesn’t mean you didn’t do an amazing workout… Why are you giving the scales so much power over your life? Why do they seem like they are the only thing that can justify our hard work?


I haven’t lose ONE POUND on the scales in over 12 months, but my body looks completely different. I am living proof that eventually the scales don’t mean a thing.

For years and years, all you ever see on advertisements is the word ‘lose weight’

Why don’t we ever push our focus into being healthier and stronger? Why does it all have to be about loosing pounds? Had you really ever asked yourself why? Wouldn’t it be amazing if they were promoting women and men being able to become fitter instead of skinner?

Me after one of the free fitness zooms I put on over lockdown

Me after one of the free fitness zooms I put on over lockdown

As women, we fluctuate around the time we have our periods, if we ate too much salt the night before, if we didn’t drink enough water or drank a lot of water… pounds can go up and down quite a lot. Me personally, I fluctuate around 5-7 pounds during my time of the month and that’s not something I can control so now, I just let it be. I don’t pay too much attention to it. I just remember that, that is a part of me and that’s how my body controls my hormones. I hear from people quite a lot that they are upset because they have put on 2Ibs… mate, that could literally be a big poo ready to come out. Give yourself a break. Continue. Don’t let that make you stop!! You are stronger than that!

Let me break it down for you. You have to physically consume an extra 3500 calories to put on 1-2lbs of FAT. Fat- Not weight the scales would notice, which could be anything from extra water or eating extra salt one day… I am talking about actual fat. Tell me, did you just eat an extra 3500 calories yesterday? I think not. So let’s stop letting your brain tell you this journey isn’t worth it. It is.

Women generally burn around 1800-2000 calories a day, just by walking around, doing your job, breathing, sleeping, talking etc, so this is why the national guidelines are 2000 calories for an average woman, so add a workout into that where you burnt around 300 calories, so to maintain your current weight you could eat/drink 2300 calories. If you then put yourself in a CALORIE DEFICIT of say, 500 calories a day, after about a week you will burn around 1-2 lbs of fat. Actual hard. core. fat. So… why aren’t you seeing that drop on the scales every week? Well, are you weight training? Are you drinking enough water? Are you due on? All these things you have to take into consideration. Don’t let this make you stop working hard and dedicating yourself to making your body healthier.

STOP letting your brain tell you this journey isn’t worth it. 
— Natasha Ince

If you are lifting weights, you will be building muscle. It’s common knowledge for some reason that muscle weighs more than fat… WELL THAT IS WRONG. 1lb of fat is the same as 1lb of muscle… a pound and a pound weigh the same no matter what is is. If you are building muscle and burning fat, you may not see it go down so quickly on the scales as you will be balancing out your weight, but I guarantee your body will be changing. Slowly but surely… you will see shape. If you do endless amounts of cardio, yes you’ll be loosing fat but where’s that skin going to go? You need to lift those weights and do exercises involving your own bodyweight like press-ups for example (where you are physically lifting up your own bodyweight!!) so you can shape your body out. Basically, to burn fat you NEED to be in a caloric deficit. This is the ONLY way you can get rid of that fat because your body is burning more energy than what you are consuming. 


Going into year two was a different experience all together from the first twelve months. Firstly we went into a pandemic and secondly, I knew I wouldn’t be loosing any weight on the scales. Suddenly it dawned on me that I would need to do this for more than just to ‘look good’. I had to change my ‘why’ if I was going to continue on this journey successfully. I stopped calling it ‘My Weight Loss Journey’ and started calling it ‘My Fitness Journey’ and just by making that small change my whole outlook was different. I focused on getting stronger not loosing weight.

This wasn’t an over night mind change, in-fact I spent months carrying on with the same YouTube workouts, found the amazing Courtney Black throughout the first Lockdown but I just wasn’t seeing the results in the mirror. The mirror has always been my nemesis; it told me the truth, made me feel good but also made me see all the things I hated about myself. I had to remember to practice what I preached and pay attention to all the positive things instead of purely focusing on the negative.



calorie deficit …

…is the ONLY way you can get rid of that fat because your body is burning more energy than what you are consuming. 

“What can I do to make more progress?” I asked my Husband. “I am not seeing any shift on the scales now, my body doesn’t seem to be changing much and I am getting disheartened.” Brett, my Husband is an Elite Gymnastics Coach and is lucky enough to work with the best people in the sport. He has extensive knowledge on fitness, building muscle, conditioning and nutrition and up until this point, which was about 18 months into my journey, I hadn’t really asked for his advice. 

“You need to go and lift heavy weights” he told me. Heavy weights? Could I do that? Would I enjoy it? Could I find the time? All these thoughts went round in my head. Could I face going into a gym environment when I wouldn’t know what I was doing? 

My first worry was that there was no way I would be able to find time to fit that in. Who has time to go to gym, especially a Mom of two little children who runs two businesses… TASHA STOP! I said to myself. This is my life, this is my time, I CAN do this. I will MAKE time. It will be a short slot twice a week but If I want to take the next step, then I have no choice.


Fitness is the only thing I do for myself. 

It’s the only thing that is truly for me and me alone. 

Every time I work out I achieve something and that is priceless. 

I become fitter, stronger and healthier every single day and no one can take that away from me.

Even without the gym I can work out at home, I can challenge myself, I can explore my limits and I can if not anything else, try. I can show up, I can get it done and I can feel good about myself.

So when we came out of lockdown and I got back into my work routine, I signed up to the gym. I made Brett come with me the first time so he could show me how to use the equipment. It was so daunting, everyone seemed to know what they were doing but I instantly loved the environment where everyone was working hard too achieve something. I soon realised no one gave a shit what I did. I instantly loved it, even though I was nervous. I planned to go twice a week but that quickly changed to three times and then I wished I could be there every day. No kids to entertain during workouts and try not to smash in the face, no opportunity to give up and sit down, when I was there, I was there to work and that’s how I like it.

The first few weeks I experienced quite bad gym anxiety. I used to sit in the car for ages, psyching myself up to walk in, watching other people turning up, but when I got the confidence to just hold my head up high, respect myself for having a go and giving myself patience to find out how to work out the machines, I started to enjoy it more and more.

Everything in life is scary at first but you have to brave and take yourself out of your comfort zone so you can find out what you are able to achieve. Your mind constantly tries to keep you in your little bubble where it knows all the outcomes, so as soon as you try something different, challenge your limits and take hold of the horns with two hands, your brain says ‘woah what the hell’ but then starts making different pathways so you can realise your full potential. It’s all down to you to be courageous. This is what changes you and then eventually the world.

Paulina Duczman showing her love for my zooms- The support from friends has been so amazing.

Paulina Duczman showing her love for my zooms- The support from friends has been so amazing.

I then had a different focus. I want to be strong. I want to leg press more, I want to squat more… it’s addictive. I was slowly coming away from the scales calling me to step on them… I was ignoring them. In the cupboard they stayed more and more until eventually I was able to control the urge to ‘just have a quick look’. I only had to taken a progress photo or look at my body in the mirror to see where my hard work was going. 

People would say things to me like ‘Don’t get too thin’ ‘You’re wasting away’ ‘Don’t go too far’ ‘You’re looking so skinny’. At first I would be angry I was getting these kinds of comments. I am not skinny and I eat a well balanced diet. I make sure I have as much protein as I can and I eat and drink whatever I want in moderation, eat chocolate.. drink cider… I have never restricted myself too much. I was lifting heavy weights, I was getting stronger, I was becoming fitter… how dare they say that to me! Then I realised it must be weird for them. They had never, ever seen me like this in my whole 30 years on this Earth. I had gone from an average size teenager, to an obese mother of two, to a fitness fanatic who loved working out. This whole thing was strange to them and I now know they said those things out of love. They wanted me to know that however I looked and whatever I did, I would be loved. How I looked didn’t matter to them, they just wanted me to be happy. They wanted to make sure I was doing it in the right way and not doing anything silly like starving myself so I explained it all to them. Knowledge is power and sometimes you have to educate people so they can understand. Maybe you will inspire them to change their lives too.

Me at PureGym Wolverhampton

Me at PureGym Wolverhampton

In January, we went back into a national lockdown; the longest one yet. The whole country fell into a depression. Friends stopped talking to each other, families were once again separated, gyms were closed and businesses shut down. I personally was not in a good way at the start of 2021. Maybe I was naive to think this year would start differently and held out too much hope nothings would go back to normal. I shut down. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Fellow photographers from around the world posting new images of their clients and I was stuck in my house with no one to give an amazing experience to. There was a massive black cloud above me and I couldn’t shift it. I was so low and I couldn’t see a way out. 

I carried on working out as it was the ONLY thing I had to look to forward to. Stuck in the house, whilst it was freezing cold outside with a toddler who hangs off the bannisters and climbs up wardrobes, I had had enough of this life. I wanted to go back to normal.

How would I get myself up in the morning? How would I get off this mattress? How could I help people that feel the same? I came to terms with the fact I didn't have any control over it and I just had to make the best out of a bad situation and the anxiety got worse before it got better, but I pushed through and every day got better.

So, at the end of January I started doing free fitness zooms for my family members. I told them it was important to exercise now life was far from normal and they needed to join in twice a week to keep themselves going. I am very bossy towards my family haha so they didn't all respond in the way I wanted. I decided to invite friends and fellow photographers to join in. It quickly spread and I was getting so many people joining, I had to start a WhatsApp group and a Facebook group so I could keep up with all the messages and admin! We started doing them three times a week and the messages I got from everyone was just so, so amazing!! I was helping people, inspiring people, keeping people going throughout this crazy time. Doing the classes live, making the girls commit to the times, being there as a constant for these incredible women was as good for me as it was for them. I enjoyed writing the plans, working out which exercises were best and making sure it was accessible for all levels from total beginner to intermediates. I spent my evenings researching new moves, making up random stuff in my kitchen and motivating people to sign on and join in, no matter who they were or what they looked like. I encouraged people to be brave. It felt so, so good to be needed and it’s something I want to continue even after lockdown gets lifted. 

To join the Facebook group click this link-

Me & My Family having Xmas Photos taken. Me feeling very brave and embracing my body.

Me & My Family having Xmas Photos taken. Me feeling very brave and embracing my body.

Fitness is the only thing I do for myself. It’s the only thing that is truly for me and me alone. Every time I work out I achieve something and that is priceless. I become fitter, stronger and healthier every single day and no one can take that away from me. Running alongside side that, I become more confident in myself, more positive and I spread that positivity around and try to help as many people as I can. I was a beginner once, I had no help once.. I never want people to feel like they have to doing this alone.

Even without the gym I can work out at home, I can challenge myself, I can explore my limits and I can if not anything else, jut try. I can show up, I can get it done and I can feel good about myself.At some point this all has to mean something more than just looking good. It has to be bigger than that.

We all have days where we feel dark, down and alone. We have to find the strength inside of ourselves to crawl out of that hole and see the world for what it really is… beautiful. If you are kind , people will be kind to you. Give out that energy you want back, even when people are mean, judgmental or trying to pull you down… just try and lift them up regardless.

Fitness has changed my life. It has given me this confidence I never ever really knew existed. It has made me grow as a person and it’s made me believe I can achieve my dreams. One of the things I am so thankful for is that this lifestyle has made me question my limits and wonder what else I am capable of. What will be next for me? It has given me the mental strength to pull myself out of the dark and see the light. It has given me the opportunity to inspire and motivate others to change their lives. It has made me fall in love with my job, given me the emotional capacity to love my family more but most of all, it’s allowed me to love myself. 

Learning to love yourself is the greatest gift of all
— George Benson

Working Full Time, Having Children, Keeping Fit & Trying To Stay Alive...


I remember going home after that appointment and standing naked in front of the mirror and just crying my eyes out. To me, I felt disgusting. I was not this person; I was strong and powerful… I make women feel like Goddesses and Queens. I love to feel sexy and glamorous, but instead I just felt awful. Now, as long as you are happy, you can be beautiful at any weight, but this wasn’t me.

Now I love food. LOVE IT! I love bread, pasta, full fat coke, fruit cider, chocolate, cake… did I really want to give up all these things that made me happy? I had tried no carbs before and it literally made me miserable to the point where my Husband couldn’t speak to me without getting his head bitten off. I knew I couldn’t go down that route again, or at least make it a permanent thing. I tried it a couple of times in previous years and it just didn’t work for me. I am a quite fussy eater in some respects, so nice healthy salads weren’t going to work either. I had previously tried quick weight loss solutions like Juice Plus and Clean 9 some years before but I just couldn’t do them. Protein milkshakes made me sick and there was no way I could just live on just water… but then it dawned on me. Why am I looking for a quick fix? This isn’t just about how I look; this is for my health too. This is so I can see my children grow older and have a healthier heart. I looked back into that mirror and knew that if I was going to make this happen, I was really going to have to make a lifestyle change.

Now, have you ever felt like there is a massive black cloud over you that wont budge? Have you ever felt like you are in the darkest of places and you are just so scared you’ll never come out? Well, I have. People see me as a very bubbly, crazy person who loves life but I have a dark side that I have never been able to get away from. A lot of people don’t know that about me because I don’t tell them, but in order for me to tell you every reason why I did this, I have to kind of bare my soul.

Comparison of just under 3 weeks of small changes. April 8th-April 27th.

Comparison of just under 3 weeks of small changes. April 8th-April 27th.

This time last year (April 2019), when I looked in the mirror, I could have just broken down and cried. I was depressed and exhausted . My 2nd little boy Jax was 3 months old and I had LOST myself. I was already back at work full time, running two businesses, striving to be a good Mom and basically just trying stay alive.

I have always been someone who has cared about the way I look. I am a more confident person when I go out into the world knowing I look good. That’s just me and I don’t think it’s a bad thing to make the best of yourself.

The day after I came home with Jax, I was told I was obese by one of the Midwives. I thought it was a bit harsh 24 hours after having baby but at the same time it definitely stuck in my mind. I thought ‘jeeez, give me a few weeks to get myself back together after giving birth will you?’ but at my 6 week check up nothing had changed. The Doctor said that word again… ‘OBESE’ and I remember just feeling pain. I had managed to lose around a stone in that time after my first child, so why hadn’t this weight shifted? What was I doing wrong?

One year comparison from April ‘19- April ‘20

One year comparison from April ‘19- April ‘20

Me and my family at our God Daughter’s Christening in March 19. (Me, Jax 2 months, Rosie, Brett & Niko below)

Me and my family at our God Daughter’s Christening in March 19. (Me, Jax 2 months, Rosie, Brett & Niko below)

I had to actually look at myself in the mirror and hate what I saw. I was (and still am) good at hiding what I don’t like about myself in clothes or in the way I pose, so people never really saw why I was so down about the way I looked. It’s not all Instagram and filters, this is real life. It might look all rosy and rainbows on the internet and that’s because I don’t share my sadness because I want people to see something nice, something that will make them smile. Isn’t there enough upset in the world?

“Now, as long as you are happy, you can be beautiful at any weight, but this wasn’t me”

April 8th 2019- I stepped on the scales and I was 13 stone 8; the biggest I have ever been in my life. Now what shall I do? I can’t get to the gym. I can’t fit in a personal trainer into my crazy life. I can’t diet like there is no tomorrow. What shall I do?

OK, so the first thing I did was cut out full fat fizzy drinks. These are so unhealthy anyway and I knew I was addicted to them so that day I went cold turkey and banished them from my life. Now, believe it or not, I could buy a 6-pack of Pepsi and drink every single can in one day. I craved the sugar. Even now, if someone has a full fat Pepsi or Coke in site I have to pretend it’s not there because even the smell entices me in!! It’s crazy! I went onto zero or diet drinks to hoard off the craving. It was so difficult but I knew it had to be done. Within a week of doing this I had lost 7 pounds!! 7 POUNDS!!! Madness.

The second thing I did was to try and stop eating so much bread. So, I am a person who would buy those fresh, crusty loaves from the Supermarket, stick my hand in the middle and just eat it dry. Yup, bread is life. I knew I needed to stop this so as a family, we made the decision to swap from white bread to brown or wholemeal. It’s probably not too much difference in calories but it was definitely the healthier option.

Me at my Southampton Workshop the 2nd week of May, already feeling better about my myself.

Me at my Southampton Workshop the 2nd week of May, already feeling better about my myself.

I LOVE rich tea Biscuits. So I told Brett (my Husband) not to buy them. “BRETT, STOP BUYING SNACKS!!!” If they are not in the house, I can’t eat them. I would wander into the kitchen because I wanted something and oh, there was nothing to snack on… no crisps, no biscuits, no nothing. That solved that problem. Now I didn’t deprive myself.. if I was out and I wanted something I would have the odd chocolate bar or white breaded sandwich, but not having those things in the house on demand helped so much. I still went to Franki & Benny's and had my favourite cheesy garlic bread… I wasn’t going to stop it all together. Life is too short!

Using my Apple Watch was one of my best investments to help track my daily progress.

Using my Apple Watch was one of my best investments to help track my daily progress.

“To see the results in the mirror as well as on the scales was amazing; honestly there was no feeling like it.”


“I made women feel like Goddesses and Queens. I love to feel sexy and glamorous, instead I just felt lost.”

My main thing that helped was portion sizes. I learned that if I was in a calorie deficit then I would lose weight. The bigger you are, the easier it is to lose because you burn more calories moving your body around. If you consume 2000 calories but you are actually burning 3000, you will lose weight; it really is that simple. The more nutritious your meals are, the healthier you will be. For example, if I had eaten a small lunch for around 500 calories, I would still have a takeaway and a couple of ciders.

It’s all about just eating a little bit less. Eat what you love but don’t eat LOADS. Have one chocolate bar, not 5. Have two pieces of toast, not 4. So when I used to order a Pizza I would have a 15 inch to myself, now I buy an 8 inch. I know, I know I still eat Pizza!! HOW CRAZY OF ME!!! But if it’s in my 2000 calories then I am going to have it. The difference from scoffing a 15 inch pizza to an 8 inch one is going to make some difference! Just look at my before and after pictures, I can prove it!!

Now I was never a big water drinker. I knew that had to change that but I actually hated it. I started by having glasses of water with a spot of no added sugar squash. I found drinking out of glasses really hard to do for some reason so I started buying the Evian sports bottle and then I was drinking so much more without realising. I don’t even have fizzy drinks in the day anymore. Now, in the day, with the exception of a glass of orange or apple juice (never from concentrate) I just drink water. One of the most useful tips I can give you is to invest in a water bottle with a handle. I now carry my water bottle with me everywhere I go and just sip it all day to try and get my water intake. When I want a snack I just drink my water. It really is better for you. Sometimes as well, if you don’t drink enough water you end up putting on weight because of water retention.

Now my biggest challenge, I thought, was exercise. I would laugh at people going to gym and say ‘ppffttt, that is NOT for me. I don’t have time. I can’t be bothered. I have two kids. I work full time.’ blah blah blah. Now I will be real with you, after my usual day of looking after the kids, being at the studio all day or shooting a wedding for 10 hours, editing until 2am and trying to get a baby to sleep through the night, the thought of doing anymore physical exercise was, in my mind, compared to being run over 5 times, but I knew that if I was going to change this body and this mind, I would need to fit this in… somewhere.

When I first started working out, I used to just do little 7 minute workouts from YouTube to get used to it. I used to do these when everyone was in bed because I didn’t want anyone to see me. I then brought a bike from Amazon. It wasn’t brilliant but got me into the mindset of working out and I could watch the TV whilst doing it. I quickly discovered I was rubbish at the bike haha, but carried on anyway.

After about a month I knew I had to work harder if I was going to shift this weight so after some research, I found ‘Pop Sugar Fitness’ from YouTube and came across a lady called Jeanette Jenkins. I started doing her 1 hour or 45 min workouts and they were HARD. I was sweating buckets. Sometimes I would go so hard I thought I would faint, but I carried on. Other days I felt like I just couldn’t do it and would cry all the way through. Other nights I would lie there in the dark, my family in bed, just looking up at the ceiling thinking I was a failure because I couldn’t do the ab workouts. I have felt every feeling you can during these workouts but I survived and carried on. Look at me now.

Some of my friends started working out in the middle of the year as well and this was so helpful to have other people to urge you on. Here we are in May 2019 at ‘The Newborn & Portrait Show’

Some of my friends started working out in the middle of the year as well and this was so helpful to have other people to urge you on. Here we are in May 2019 at ‘The Newborn & Portrait Show’

Around a few months after starting to do the workouts, I wanted to know how many calories I was burning because I knew it would motivate me to burn more so I invested in an Apple Watch to track it. It was so amazing so see my steps, my burning calories and how active I was in the studio during sessions. It made me want to work harder because my results were there in black and white. After a couple of months of doing the Pop Sugar Workouts, cutting out full fat pop and wearing my Apple Watch, I had lost around a stone and a half and I was so happy. I was in the low twelves and I was determined to get down into the elevens. To see the results in the mirror, as well as on the scales was amazing; honestly there was no feeling like it. I started sharing my results with my friends and started to inspire other people to get on the home workout train; that was an amazing feeling.

Me in Thailand in June 2019. I was around 12 stone here. My Husband and I used to work out in the morning to keep up our fitness.

Me in Thailand in June 2019. I was around 12 stone here. My Husband and I used to work out in the morning to keep up our fitness.

I knew I wanted more. I just wanted to get down to 11 and a half stone. That was my goal. That was my weight when I got pregnant with Jax (the 2nd baby) so I knew if I could get to that milestone, I was back to where I had started. At that point, my Husband even started working out as well. He said and I quote “I can’t keep watching you working your ass off whilst I sit in the Hot Tub. I need to do this for my health as well”

Me in Benidorm in July 2019. I had gotten down to 11 stone 12 by now and I was feeling really good.

Me in Benidorm in July 2019. I had gotten down to 11 stone 12 by now and I was feeling really good.

Around September time I tried Intermittent Fasting. It was amazing. So you fast for a certain amount of time and then eat within a timed window. It really suited me because I never really felt like breakfast anyway rushing around with two kids to get ready etc. I did the 16:8 fasting, so stopped eating/drinking around 9:30pm and then I would eat around 1:30/2pm. You can do whatever suits you but I know If you do it properly, it works. I do this whenever I can. The app someone told me about is called ‘Zero’.

It was around November time when I managed to get down to 11 and a half stone and I was so happy!! Honestly I can’t even tell you how amazing that felt. I was feeling better in myself, comfortably back into my size 12 jeans and just feeling like I had achieved something. It was then I discovered an app from my friend called Jillian Michaels. She is ruthless and I love it. It’s just an app on your phone! There are different, quick workouts to do depending on what you want. The workouts are nice and quick so it really helps when you are stuck for time. There are days when having your own businesses and two young children takes it’s toll and you just can’t fit a half an hour work out in so the quick 10 mins HITTs are just amazing. At least then you have done SOMETHING.

Me in November shooting the new ‘ROCSA Leotard’ Promotional Video.

Me in November shooting the new ‘ROCSA Leotard’ Promotional Video.

Me and my girls who were all on their own ‘better body’ journeys. (From left to right) Aimee-Jo from Dinky Days, Me, Maggie Robinson from Dinky Feet, Emma from Little Love Photography and Paulina from Paulina Duczman Photography.

Me and my girls who were all on their own ‘better body’ journeys. (From left to right) Aimee-Jo from Dinky Days, Me, Maggie Robinson from Dinky Feet, Emma from Little Love Photography and Paulina from Paulina Duczman Photography.

I went to Barbados in January and I had never felt so good about myself. I had worked for this body. I knew I was on a journey and eventually I would look even better, so the fact that I didn’t look exactly how I wanted right then didn’t even phase me. We went to Barbados 2 years before. I felt so horrible last time but this time was different; I was different. The only problem was, was that I was so scared about putting on weight whilst I was there. I kept my smaller portions and fasting in mind on holiday and when I came home I had lost 2 pounds! WIN! A couple of weeks later of doing workouts 5/6 days a week I had managed to get to 11 stone. I was literally over the moon. I never expected to see that on the scales. This was the weight I was when I got pregnant with Niko (my 1st baby). I never, ever though I would get there again.

This was in Barbados. Finally feeling I didn’t have to delete all the photos before they were posted on IG.

This was in Barbados. Finally feeling I didn’t have to delete all the photos before they were posted on IG.

Next… it was time to get into a pair of size 10 jeans. A year before I chucked about 5 pairs away because I was so sure I would always be a size 12. Me and the girls even discussed being size 10 by the time we went to Vegas in Feb and I just laughed. Maybe I could do it now. I was so close. I wanted to tone my body and get under 11 stone. A few weeks later of intermittent fasting alongside my workouts I had dropped another 4 pounds. Now you may think this is slow, but the less you weigh, the harder it is to actually see results on the scales. I went to Las Vegas at the end of Feb, in size 10 jeans and 10 stone 8. I have never felt so good about myself. I was confident again and I was loving life.

Me celebrating the fact I managed to get into my size 10 jeans. This was an unbelievable moment for me.

Me celebrating the fact I managed to get into my size 10 jeans. This was an unbelievable moment for me.

I’m quite happy with the weight I am now but I really want to tone up more. The thing is with exercise is that you also build muscle which adds to the scales so I have been told it’s best to measure your inches instead which isn’t something I did (but wish I had).

So… lockdown has happened and now we’re all stuck at home. I very rarely snack on crisps or chocolate but I don’t deprive myself completely. I refuse to make myself miserable. The main thing I do is burn more calories than I consume. I believe, you’re best bet is eating a consistent amount of calories every day, alongside doing exercise. I mean you’re stuck in the house now with no work, what better way to start your workouts?

The higher you get your heart rate when you’re working out, the harder your body is working. Take 220 - your age and then you’ll find your maximum heart rate. If you can try and push yourself to work at around 80-90% during some periods of your workouts, then you are working very, very hard. The harder you work the more calories you will burn. If you burn more calories than you consume you will lose weight! 

A picture I took the other day, braving a sports bra instead of a black baggy t-shirt during lockdown.

A picture I took the other day, braving a sports bra instead of a black baggy t-shirt during lockdown.

MyFitnessPal is a great app to count your calories. That really helped me see what I was eating and drinking so I was less likely to eat anything that would take me over my 2000 calories. I don’t use it much anymore because I am quite good at keeping a mental note but when I feel like I might be slipping off the rails again, I go back to the app and start making a diary. Seeing things in black and white really helps me because it’s right there staring you in the face.

When I first started this journey, I tried these patches called Thrive and the balance capsules that came with them. They are suppose to suppress hunger feelings and give your body nutrients & energy. I did feel like they worked for a while but I stopped using them after a couple of months. During the last year I have also tried Instant Knockout, but I didn’t feel the effects that much so stopped those as well. (I in no way promote the use of any diet pills)

Just 10 months difference here. First photo taken at ‘The Newborn & Portrait Show’ in May 2019 and the second taken at ‘The Guild Of Photographers’ in Feb 2020.

Just 10 months difference here. First photo taken at ‘The Newborn & Portrait Show’ in May 2019 and the second taken at ‘The Guild Of Photographers’ in Feb 2020.

I am currently doing BodyStep with Les Mills On Demand and it’s amazing. I try and do an around an hour at the moment whilst in lockdown so I do that with a mixture of Jillian Michaels (app on your phone) and YouTube workouts from Pop Sugar Fitness. 

YouTube links-

Pop Sugar Fitness-

Jeanette Jenkins 1 hour-

Jeanette Jenkins 45 mins-

Hip Hop Tabata 30 mins-

There are some amazing thing online! If you need any help, feel free to drop me a message on my personal Instagram here.

I am still on a journey and working hard. I am excited to see what my body will look like this time next year :-)

Thanks so much for reading <3

Having the time of my life in Vegas with some of my bestest friends. Feeling confident, sexy and healthier.

Having the time of my life in Vegas with some of my bestest friends. Feeling confident, sexy and healthier.

You Should Always Keep A Thermometer Close…

Photography By Natasha

Photography By Natasha

Before you leave the maternity unit, the midwives go through some things with you that are really important like make sure you put the baby at the bottom of the cot so they don’t wriggle down, make sure you only use cool boiled water and cotton pads to wipe their bottom, don’t use any products in the bath… they even tell you to do your pelvic floor muscles; not ONCE did someone verbally tell me to get a thermometer and check my baby’s temperature and not once in my pregnancy did a medical professional explain to me about Strep B.

On Monday morning at 3:47am on 28th January 2019, we welcomed our 2nd little boy, Jax into the world at Russel’s Hall Hospital in Dudley, West Midlands. The midwives who looked after me were beyond amazing. The birth was text book, very quick during the active labour stages and we were thrilled that he was finally here. Niko, our 3 year old was so excited for the arrival of his little brother; we couldn’t wait to get him home so they could meet each other for the first time.


We had decided to keep Niko off nursery so his chances of coming home with any illnesses or getting Chicken Pox was lowered. We were frightened that the baby would catch it too. When Niko was 3 weeks old, he had viral meningitis, so we went to every length to make sure this didn’t happen a second time, even though we knew there wasn’t much you could do as parents to prevent something like this… but we were damn well going to try! So we had no visitors apart from my parents, no children around the house and had anti-bacterial hand gel in every room. We were so careful and everyone was very supportive.

On Thursday morning somehow Niko had gotten a water infection and instead of wee, there was blood in the toilet. It scared us so much, so Brett, my Husband, rushed him down the walk in centre for antibiotics. They assured us this would be gone within a day and he would be OK. I was an emotional wreck not being able to go with him as I felt I was abandoning him… ‘Mummy Guilt’. Throughout the day he seemed to get better and he continued cuddling and getting to know his little brother; it melted my heart seeing them together. Niko was going to be the best big brother.


Then, around 6pm, spots started coming out on Niko’s face and I just knew straight away that it was Chicken Pox. I just couldn’t believe our bad luck. We phoned 111 to see what we should do because of having a newborn in the house, so Brett had to take him back down the hospital to have it confirmed. The doctor there told us point blank that Jax would catch this too as newborns have such a low immunity so I was beside myself… again. I couldn’t stand the thought of my little baby catching this as I had heard it could be potentially dangerous for newborns. The advice was to keep them apart as much as possible, so then the segregation began. I stayed up stairs with Jax while my Husband took care of Niko downstairs. I was so upset they couldn’t be around each other; all I wanted was for them to bond. We decided to keep a very close eye on Jax’s temperature in case it spiked.

The next morning, Niko woke up weeing blood again. This time it was apparently the Chicken Pox in his bladder coming out in his wee, as there weren’t any germs in his urine anymore. I was relieved it wasn’t anything more serious. All I wanted to do was hug him and be with him, but the doctors had advised us to stay apart because of the new baby. Later that day, I noticed Jax’s eye had become a bit sticky. I wasn’t too worried at this point because Niko had had a sticky eye when he was newborn and being a newborn photographer, it was something I saw a lot. Usually it happens because of a blocked tear duct, so I put breast milk on it or cool boiled water and cleaned it. I continued to take his temperature every few hours.


On the Saturday, it was Jax’s 5 day check up. His eye was much worse now and I was positive that it was something more serious. I had seen sticky eye so many times but this looked so much more sinister. The midwives told us to go to the walk in centre to get it checked so we did. The nurse took one look at it and told us it was conjunctivitis. She didn’t seem concerned at all so I relaxed a little. She told me it was probably because he had pooed in my waters when he was born. She did no other check up on him so I assumed he was fine and the eye drops would clear his eye up over the next few days.

Jax at 6 days- Photography By Natasha

Jax at 6 days- Photography By Natasha

On the Sunday afternoon, Jax became irritable and fretful. He just wasn’t himself which I know sounds crazy as I am talking about a 6 day old baby, but I just KNEW something wasn’t right. I told Brett that I was worried, so I continued to do his temp, but he didn’t have a fever, so I thought maybe it was just wind he was struggling to get out; he didn’t have a rash or anything. I took it again around 9:30pm, fed him and took him to bed and it was the same as before but I just had a gut instinct that something was wrong. An hour later I felt his head and he felt normal, but then I touched his chest and it felt very hot. I took his temperature again and it was 38.4. I changed his nappy, fed him again then took it once more to make sure and it was the same. I immediately called my parents to come and look after Niko and we rushed down the hospital because I knew that a fever in a newborn could be life threatening.

I couldn’t believe we were back in A&E AGAIN! Luckily there was no one waiting but we were still made to wait twenty minutes before seeing a doctor. I just kept thinking ‘surely every minute counts?’ Finally, after what seemed like hours, a doctor called us in and within 5 minutes she was ringing triage. We were rushed round to another unit where we had to answer more questions about Jax and what his symptoms were. He still had a fever and even though they were very calm I could hear the concern in their voices.

Suddenly there were lots of people there, nurses and a doctor trying to put a cannula in his arm to take bloods and to get antibiotics into him. They tried both hands and both arms but they couldn’t seem to get it in. His veins were ‘wiggly’ and the doctor seemed to be getting really stressed out. Jax was screaming and there was blood on the sheets. My Husband just couldn’t bear to watch and I sat in the corner crying wishing I could just hold him. They had to call down a second doctor to do the cannula after quite a few tries and eventually it was in, the bloods were taken and the antibiotics were administrated. They also gave him a small dose of paracetamol to try and bring his temp down.


I just remember holding him and watching him as he looked up at me, almost willing me to take the pain away. He was making such funny noises like he was in pain and it just broke my heart. How can someone so little you grew from scratch be going through all of this at not even a week old? The next thing was an X-Ray to check his chest. After that they took us up to the children’s ward where I held him all night. I knew it was bad when we were finally alone and my Husband broke down in tears and just kept thanking me for taking his temperature. He held me so tight for minutes that felt like hours and it was then I realised that having that thermometer, had saved his life.

I had never felt so alone in that hospital ward once Brett had left. I had just given birth exactly a week ago and was trying to recover myself and suddenly, my tiny baby, who hadn’t experienced much of anything in this world was lying in my arms limp and obviously in pain. I was already emotional so now, as you can imagine, the tears just wouldn’t stop falling. Every time I looked at his tiny face or his tiny hand wrapped around my finger my heart felt so heavy in my chest, I just cried and cried.

A few hours later, around 10am, the Doctors came to see me and told me his white blood cell level was much higher than normal which meant that he did have an infection and they would have to do the the dreaded lumbar puncture to check it hadn’t spread to his brain. This really was the thing of nightmares. When our other son was poorly, he’d had this procedure done too, so it was the one thing we were absolutely dreading. I remember just standing outside of the room, three years before listening to him scream and scream as they cant give the babies anything for the pain. They told me ‘You wont want to be in here for this… he wont remember but you will never, ever forget it.’

My Husband came back to the ward and Jax was taken from my arms, fast asleep, to a room down the corridor. We waited in the room for him to come back and it just felt like forever. Finally he was returned to me, almost as he was taken, like nothing had happened and I was just so grateful for my own sanity that I hadn’t had to experience the awful sound of him screaming and crying like I had done with his brother… but at the same time an overwhelming amount of guilt that I wasn’t there holding his hand. That day and night they monitored him closely, injected more antibiotics and gave him a small dose of paracetamol again; thankfully his temp started coming down. In the early hours of the morning he had another blood test where they squeezed the blood from his heel.

The doctors were happy to let us go on the evening on home leave because his temp had stayed below 38 for 24 hours. We were so happy we could finally take him home but we still had to come back every day for his antibiotics until further notice. There were lots of different opinions about how long he should stay on the antibiotics for… some doctors were happy with 5 days, others 7 and some 14. It was decided that he would have to have a few more blood tests to make sure the infection was leaving his system before they could decide.


Two days into the home leave, the Doctor told us that they had found bacteria in his spinal fluid and that he had contracted bacterial meningitis. I was so shocked. How on Earth could he have caught this? I did a private Strep B test at 37 weeks, as in the UK they do not test pregnant women, and the result was negative. I do know that the result can change from week to week, but there isn’t much more you can do but to test yourself as best as you can without medical assistance. We caught it so early that no bacteria grew on the cultures they took, so she told us that they would probably never find out exactly which bacteria it was. To this day, we still don’t know what made Jax so poorly. They also told us that it would have been the same bacteria that had caused the infection in his eye.


Finally after 9 days, his white blood cell count was back to normal, so they took the cannula out and stopped treatment. It was such a happy day for not only us, but all our family and friends, to know that he had been so lucky to have survived such an ordeal and we were finally taking him home without a bandage on his arm.

Niko, 3yrs, Brett, Natasha &amp; Jax, 17 days old- Photography By Natasha

Niko, 3yrs, Brett, Natasha & Jax, 17 days old- Photography By Natasha

Thank you to Russel’s Hall Hospital Children’s Unit for being so amazing with Jax and all the other children they treat on a daily basis and thank you to our amazing family and friends for giving us more support and love we could ever ask for.

Jax 19 days old - Photography By Natasha

Jax 19 days old - Photography By Natasha

Jax 19 days old - Photography By Natasha

Jax 19 days old - Photography By Natasha